Free Chicagoland

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Use the form below to create a new account.

Passwords are required to be a minimum of 6 characters in length.

Account Information

By clicking Register, You are agreeing to the terms of use wich are listed below.

By registering, you have agreed to the terms of use which include but are not limited to the following:
  • The band member registered has authority to enter and display information about the band.
  • will not be held responsible for misuse of account. If you give your password to someone and they use it irresponsibly, change your password immedieately and contact administrator.
  • is provided FREE - AS IS and will not be held responsible for anything. Basically if you screw up, it's not our fault.
  • You are responsible for keeping your information up to date.
  • You will not post any offensive or indecent material. This is a family friendly site, and will remain this way. Violation of this will result in a warning and/or account deletion depending on nature of offense.
  • will not sell your information to anyone.
*Terms of use is subject to change without notification.*
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