Do you like the site? Have something to say that you want everyone to see? Post it here.
Thank you!!!!!
-Kathleen Vaughan
Great Site !! Love my summer concerts and can find a place to go every day on this site. Thank You !!!
Thank you for putting "the band back together" A one-stop place to go for some of your local venues & bands playing in the area!
-Kristina Rigdon
It's nice that someone appreciates and help support live entertainment
Great website, thank you for letting us know about all the great bands playing!! Joanne
-Joanne Thomiszer
Awesome website! Thank you for helping out all the great bands!!!
-Nick from The Incognitos
Thanks for letting us know about this at SPRA
-Paul Iams, Ac•Rock
Nice site - though we'd "give it a go!"
Great job on this site.we appreciate the job you do on this site.Ron(Claremont Drive)
Great site! Keep up the good work!
-Bob (Bossydog)
Very nice site!
-Lori (Meteors fan)
Wishing you success with the website and thank you!
-Greg (Renditions)
Wishing you great success with this awesome new site... TJ
-Tom (Meteors)
I like the site but you need METAL!!!!!!\m/
-Thrax Zoulias
Great new website. So easy to use and filter the bands you like.
-60's rocker
Thanks for making band searching easier. I am enjoying this new webside.